Wednesday, April 9, 2014

28 Weeks

How far along: 28 Weeks. That means I'm officially in my third trimester! How crazy and exciting is that!?! 
Baby is the size of a: Large eggplant. 
Gender: Sweet baby girl!
Weight gain: This morning my scale said I was up 6lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight. I'm not sure how that happened. I knew I had lost around 3 lbs from my last doctors appointment but I was shocked when they told me 6! I have been following my GD diet, walking more, and drinking a ton of water! My doctor isn't worried and said that everything looks great so I'm not worried either!
Maternity clothes: Yes but I still find myself trying to squeeze into normal clothes. When this pregnancy is over all of my clothes are going to be stretched out!
Sleep: I really have no problem falling asleep or staying asleep. I manage to sleep in the same position all night and as soon as I move my bladder realizes its full and wakes me up, thankfully this only happens once a night!
Aches and Pains:Lots of restless leg syndrome this week and I was very queasy a few mornings. I hope morning sickness doesn't come back!
Best moment this week: Jon and I put an offer in on a house and it was accepted! We are so excited! 
Worst moment this week: Not getting to sleep in on Saturday morning. We had a garage sale so I had to be up super early. Then it was so cold all Saturday morning!
Miss anything: I walked through the wine aisle at HEB last night. I should not have done that. All I could think about was how much I can't wait to have a glass of red wine. 
Movement: This girl is such a mover. I feel her all the time! The nurse almost couldn't get a heartbeat at my appointment this week because she was moving around so much. 
Cravings: I still don't have any real cravings! I never really did with River either.
Looking forward to: Easter! This will be one of the first years I don't get to go to my home church for Easter and I am so sad. We are going to take River to our neighborhood Easter egg hunt this weekend and then on Easter morning I plan on hiding some eggs in our back yard for him to find. 

I didn't have a picture to share (again) so I thought River playing with a lady bug would suffice. He is all about bugs this Spring! He's been finding tiny black bugs and putting them in a bucket with grass and a small lid with water. Then he starts feeling guilty and releases them! Its so sweet! He played with the lady bug in the picture above for at least 30 minutes. He would pick it up and it would crawl on him for a few seconds then fly away and then he would chase it down. He always reminds me to appreciate the small things, even the lady bugs!


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