Monday, April 21, 2014

30 Weeks!

How far along: 30 weeks! Officially 3/4 of the way done. 
Baby is the size of a: Cabbage.
Gender: Girl. I still can't believe I get to say that! 
Weight gain: This morning my scale said 8 lbs. It fluctuates so much! I never know if I am going to be up or down from the previous week. I'm not too worried about it because regardless of what the scale says I feel like a whale. Especially when I am trying to roll over at night. I might as well be an upside down turtle!
Maternity clothes: I found a dress in my closet that I can officially wear as a shirt. My bump is taking on a life of its own and making all my shirts borderline too short!
Sleep: Some nights its good some nights its horrible.
Aches and Pains: This week my stomach muscles have started hurting. I guess they are getting a good stretch in, but they'd better get used to it because we still have 10 weeks to go. 
Best moment this week: This was such a good week! Between Easter, visiting with my in-laws, and seeing Aziz Ansari, we had a great week!
Worst moment this week: Faxing so many pages for our home loan. I never have good luck when using a fax machine. I finally managed to make it work but I was imagining me pregnancy hulk out and smash it to pieces with my giant green hands the entire time. 
Miss anything: I want to say that I miss wine, but I imagine it would only make me sleepy!
Movement: This girl loves to wiggle and squirm. I love it until she decides she wants to stretch out as far as possible, then that hurts!
Cravings: Walnuts. I eat so many walnuts everyday. 
Looking forward to: Relaxing next weekend with my boys! It may be one of our last free weekends for a while!

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