Saturday, March 15, 2014

Gestational Diabetes

I had a doctors appointment early Monday morning. I had to stop at the lab first to have my finger stuck to test for Gestational Diabetes. I had already guzzled the orange death. No big deal, I've done this before with River and everything was fine. Except this time I failed. My doctor reassured me it wasn't a huge deal, lots of people fail the one hour. She said we would take it one step at a time and to go ahead and schedule the three hour test anytime between now and my next appointment. I scheduled it for the following Thursday because I hate suspense and not knowing. The three hour test wasn't that bad. You have to fast for 12 hours, which is horrible for a pregnant woman but still doable. When you arrive they draw a vial of blood to get your fasting number. Then you get to drink that same super sugary orange drink that burns your throat its so sweet, but its really not that bad. Honestly, Chicken Express's sweet tea is probably worse. Then you wait an hour and they draw your blood. The first hour was fairly miserable. I was hungry and the sweet liquids were not sitting well on my stomach. I was nauseous but managed to pass the time playing Candy Crush and refreshing my Instagram and Facebook news feeds. The second hour I pulled out my computer to check emails and register for delivery at the hospital. The third hour I spent on hold with the toll tag people who kindly waved a fee when I finally got through. Each draw was slightly more annoying than the previous. They asked me which arm I preferred each time, I prefer not to be stuck more times than I need to be so I let them choose. The veins in my left arm seem to be better for stabbing. That poor vein got stuck 4 times but its barely bruised and hardly sore 3 days later. Then I was done. I promptly scarfed down a P. Terry's cheeseburger, fries and some lemonade. That probably wasn't the best but I treated it as my last meal just in case.  
I assumed I would have the weekend to relax and I would get my results on Monday, which of course would say I passed. I was wrong. My doctors office called first thing Friday morning to tell me two of my draws had failed and the other two had passed. That means I have gestational diabetes. I am setting up an appointment with a specialist in maternal-fetal medicine to go over everything. From whatI have read its going to be an adjustment. I am praying I will be able to control it by diet and exercise alone, but if I have to go on medications I will. I want what is best for me and the baby. I'm not as upset as I thought I would be. I know can't change it. Its just something I will have to deal with and once the baby is here I will be back to normal. I am so ready to go to the doctors appointment to begin to get everything figured out. I've already started eating  the recommended amount of carbohydrates at every meal and have added small snacks in between those meals. I know this pregnancy isn't going to be as easy breezy as I had hoped but I know many women have it much worse and the end reward will be so very worth it! 


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