Monday, March 31, 2014

27 Weeks!

How far along: 27 Weeks. 
Baby is the size of an: Cauliflower. Speaking of cauliflower, Jon and I made mashed cauliflower in attempt to be healthier. The thought of it is still making me gag. Maybe it was just us, but I would not recommend.
Gender: Girl. I had an ultrasound last Monday and its still a girl! Whoo hoo!
Weight gain: Still 10. 
Maternity clothes: Yes. The bump isn't leaving anytime soon and regular clothes do not cover it! 
Sleep: Oh sleep. This week has been plagued with weirder than normal dreams and a small (2 hour) bout with insomnia on Saturday night. But if anyone ever wants to know anything about opening up an under water restaurant please give me a call!
Aches and Pains:Does dandruff count? I had it with River too and I thought I was going to bypass it this time but it seems that it didn't.
Best moment this week: I finally managed to get rid of 3 boxes Jon has been carrying around for years! I also convinced him to  get rid of a box of VHS's! This is a major win! 
Worst moment this week: Jon making me wander through Home Depot at 9pm Saturday night when I was completely exhausted. 
Miss anything: Starbucks mocha frappaccino. I want a super sugary sweet coffee!
Movement: Future kick boxer, soccer star, or tap dancer, either way she's got moves!
Cravings: I'm eating so much there is no time to crave anything!
Looking forward to: Third trimester. I can't believe I am uttering those words. Could this pregnancy have gone any faster? I can't believe there are only 13 weeks left until baby girl is here!


Friday, March 28, 2014

Only 379 Pokes Left!

I met with the specialist on Tuesday of this week. We spent 30-45 minutes just talking over the Gestational Diabetes diet. Then she gave me my glucose meter and showed me how to use it. I'm keeping a log of my daily food intake and my blood sugar and will email it to her each week.  I might be being overly optimistic, but so far its really not that bad. I was really worried about how I was going to manage the finger pricks, but so far its been okay. I have an irrational fear of pulling whatever has stuck me out. I know that sounds crazy, but if I step on a sticker or something manages to poke me I usually make someone else pull it out. If there isn't anyone else around then it takes forever for me to work up the courage to remove whatever foreign item I have managed to impale myself with, it's usually at least ten minutes of repeating "You can do this K'Lynn". Thankfully the finger stick pulls its self out and I never even have to see the poke. It's also a tiny little hole, I actually have to squeeze my finger to get any blood out. But it still hurts, every single time. I doubt I get used to that. 

I am eating 6 smaller meals a day, each with a its own carbohydrate allowance. My nurse practitioner said not to worry about counting calories but do try to eat protein with the carbs. I am still trying to get into a good schedule. First thing every morning, after I sprint to the bathroom to pee because its not like I peed an hour earlier, I take my blood sugar. This is called my fasting number. This little number is what I failed during my glucose tolerance test. Its the number most people have the most difficulty with and the number my nurse practitioner thinks I will have the most trouble with. It hasn't been high yet, and with the right bedtime snack and evening walk I plan to keep it that way. Next I get a small cup of coffee, get dressed and tell River to get up. He whines and rolls over. I start making breakfast. I have always waited until around 9am to eat breakfast. Partly because I'm usually not hungry earlier in the morning and partly because I really don't have much time to sit down and eat breakfast. Its one of those busy working Mom things. I have had to adjust to not only sitting down to eat breakfast but also cooking it too. I am allowed 25-30 grams of carbs for breakfast. I am currently eating a toasted English muffin with honey cream cheese with a fried egg on top while I do my hair and makeup at the kitchen table. I know, doing my hair at the kitchen table is gross but its better than eating my breakfast in the bathroom. Timing my breakfast has been the trickiest part so far. Rivers morning speed (varies between tortoise, snail, and sloth), traffic, how many times I will have to hug and kiss him goodbye at school, and the 15 minutes it takes me to get to the office from his school determines when I should start my breakfast in order to be able to test my blood sugar 2 hours later. I can't eat breakfast at 6:15 because I am either still commuting or dropping River off at 8:15. I have been trying to time it so that I begin breakfast at 6:40 and by the time I get to the office I will have had time to settle in and can test in peace. So far I have tested once in River's school parking lot, once in my office parking lot, and once at my desk. Its a work in progress. About an hour after my morning blood sugar test I have my morning snack. I'm allowed 15-20 grams of carbs for each snack. I have eaten Greek yogurt with walnuts and an apple with peanut butter. A few hours later is lunch. I'm allowed 45-50 grams of carbs for lunch. I have been just eating a turkey sandwich on whole wheat sandwich thins and a small fruit or chips or crackers. Two hours after I finish eating I test my blood sugar again. About an hour after that I eat my afternoon snack. Are you noticing a routine here? All I do is eat and poke my finger! The afternoon snacks are mostly the same as the morning or crackers and hummus. I'm sure I can and will get a lot more creative with my snacks. For dinner I am allowed 45-50 grams of carbs again. I'm finding it difficult to get that many carbs in with dinner. I may have to start adding in a small dessert to meet my allowance. Then 2 hours later I take my blood sugar. I've learned the last one of the day is the hardest to pump myself up to take. I'm also really fond of only two of my fingers and I switch back and forth between the two throughout the day so by the fourth they are both tired of being poked. My evening blood sugar test is hard to time too as sometimes we are out and about. For example, yesterday I tested it in a Wal Mart bathroom. Don't worry, I washed my hands before and after, and by washed I mean thoroughly scrubbed. Then right before I got to bed, about 9:30, I eat once slice of bread with peanut butter on it and a small glass of milk. Its actually over my snack carb allowance but so far it has kept my fasting numbers down. I also try to fit a walk in sometime during the day. Even if its just going the long way to check the mail or a 15 minute break to stretch my legs a work. 

It is quite a routine. I couldn't imagine having to do this forever and I really hope that once I have the baby I go back to normal. The diet part I really don't mind, what pregnant woman doesn't like to literally eat all day? But I'm already over the blood sugar testing. I just keep telling myself that its not for me, its for the baby. I want her to be healthy and I want my labor and delivery to be normal. I don't want to be induced and I don't want to have a c-section because she is too big. I will be having monthly growth scans to make sure that she is measuring where she should be. I'm considering that a plus because who doesn't love extra ultrasounds? All in all I know this is something that just has to be done. I look at it two ways. I can mourn the fact that I am going to miss out on pies and cakes or I can be just get over it and deal. I've chosen to get over it and deal. So far we have a perfect, healthy baby. I can't really see why I should throw a fit or complain because I can't have a  cookie. 


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

26 Weeks!

How far along: 26 Weeks, only 14 left!
Baby is the size of an: Scallion. I don't know who comes up with these comparisons, but a scallion? Last week we were a roundish vegetable, this week we are a long, thin onion. 
Gender: Girl
Weight gain: I'm hanging out at 10lbs now. 
Maternity clothes: Yes, although I need more. I can't understand why they are so hard to find for a decent price. I'm not going to spend $30 on a shirt I am only going to be wearing for the next 14 weeks (because we all know I'll walk out of the hospital in skinny jeans HA!). I don't understand how companies think that its ok to charge at minimum $10 more because they can label it maternity. 
Sleep: I invested in a body pillow this week and it seems to be helping. 
Aches and Pains:Restless leg syndrome had killed me this week. It drives me crazy!  
Best moment this week: No doctors or dentist appointments! We have been constantly going to the doctor or dentist for the past month. I am so thankful we have health and dental insurance!
Worst moment this week: early! I had my first "I am so uncomfortable in my body" moment this week. It may have been because I was experiencing restless syndrome, my office was getting too warm, and I was just uncomfortable in the shirt I was wearing. 
Miss anything: Wine. I just want to put my feet up, watch some stupid tv, and have a glass of wine. 
Movement: This girl moves all the time. I constantly feel her!
Cravings: All those sweets I can't have. 
Looking forward to: Sleeping in this weekend! I think I may have overbooked us and we might just have something going on almost every weekend through the month of May!

I didn't have a belly pic to share this week, although its still very much growing! I thought this picture was too cute not to share. He got a special treat on Sunday when we sat him down and told him that he was going to be heading to the dentist on Monday to have some work done. They had to remove a tooth and do a few fillings and crowns. He did wonderfully and was trying to run around all over the place later in the afternoon. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

25 Weeks

My current view!

How far along: 25 Weeks.
Baby is the size of an: Rutabaga. I have no idea what that is or what it looks like, but baby girl is aprox. 1 1/2 lbs and 13 inches long.
Gender: Girl
Weight gain: According to my scale 10 lbs. That is down two from last week, most likely related to the sweet hiatus I have embarked on. 
Maternity clothes: I managed to squeeze into a green v-neck for St. Pattys Day today! I probably won't attempt it again.
Sleep: It really just depends on the day. I have been so tired lately that I've actually felt like I have been sleeping really well. 
Aches and Pains:Minor heartburn, a lovely Charley horse on Friday night, and hot flashes. 
Best moment this week: River and Jon watching baby girl kick from across the room. I'm shocked you can see her kicks from the outside so early!
Worst moment this week: Finding out I have Gestational Diabetes
Miss anything: Laying on my stomach and my back. Playing Candy Crush on my side just isn't as comfortable as it is on my back.
Movement: Baby girl is a mover! I love feeling her wiggle and kick. 
Cravings: Almond butter. I really can't get enough!
Looking forward to: Meeting with my specialist to get my diet and blood sugar monitoring on track. I never thought I would look forward to poking my fingers 4 times a day but I am. I just want to make sure that baby girl and I are both healthy!


Saturday, March 15, 2014

Gestational Diabetes

I had a doctors appointment early Monday morning. I had to stop at the lab first to have my finger stuck to test for Gestational Diabetes. I had already guzzled the orange death. No big deal, I've done this before with River and everything was fine. Except this time I failed. My doctor reassured me it wasn't a huge deal, lots of people fail the one hour. She said we would take it one step at a time and to go ahead and schedule the three hour test anytime between now and my next appointment. I scheduled it for the following Thursday because I hate suspense and not knowing. The three hour test wasn't that bad. You have to fast for 12 hours, which is horrible for a pregnant woman but still doable. When you arrive they draw a vial of blood to get your fasting number. Then you get to drink that same super sugary orange drink that burns your throat its so sweet, but its really not that bad. Honestly, Chicken Express's sweet tea is probably worse. Then you wait an hour and they draw your blood. The first hour was fairly miserable. I was hungry and the sweet liquids were not sitting well on my stomach. I was nauseous but managed to pass the time playing Candy Crush and refreshing my Instagram and Facebook news feeds. The second hour I pulled out my computer to check emails and register for delivery at the hospital. The third hour I spent on hold with the toll tag people who kindly waved a fee when I finally got through. Each draw was slightly more annoying than the previous. They asked me which arm I preferred each time, I prefer not to be stuck more times than I need to be so I let them choose. The veins in my left arm seem to be better for stabbing. That poor vein got stuck 4 times but its barely bruised and hardly sore 3 days later. Then I was done. I promptly scarfed down a P. Terry's cheeseburger, fries and some lemonade. That probably wasn't the best but I treated it as my last meal just in case.  
I assumed I would have the weekend to relax and I would get my results on Monday, which of course would say I passed. I was wrong. My doctors office called first thing Friday morning to tell me two of my draws had failed and the other two had passed. That means I have gestational diabetes. I am setting up an appointment with a specialist in maternal-fetal medicine to go over everything. From whatI have read its going to be an adjustment. I am praying I will be able to control it by diet and exercise alone, but if I have to go on medications I will. I want what is best for me and the baby. I'm not as upset as I thought I would be. I know can't change it. Its just something I will have to deal with and once the baby is here I will be back to normal. I am so ready to go to the doctors appointment to begin to get everything figured out. I've already started eating  the recommended amount of carbohydrates at every meal and have added small snacks in between those meals. I know this pregnancy isn't going to be as easy breezy as I had hoped but I know many women have it much worse and the end reward will be so very worth it! 


Thursday, March 13, 2014

24 Weeks

How far along: 24 Weeks.
Baby is the size of an: Ear of corn.
Gender: Girl
Weight gain: 12lbs total. I gained 6 in the past month alone. I am so very happy Spring seems to be here for good and there will be no more cold days that just make you want to eat everything!
Maternity clothes: Of course! 
Sleep: Horrible. Constant tossing and turning all night and then I wake up at 5am every day. 
Aches and Pains:None so far. I am still feeling really good.
Best moment this week: Spending the weekend with some of my favorite ladies and seeing Wicked!
Worst moment this week: Jon's emergency appendectomy! So scary! 
Miss anything: Not really, maybe the occasional glass of wine or mimosa! 
Movement: Baby girl is a mover! 
Cravings: Peaches!
Looking forward to: Warm weather, going on walks, and baby snuggles!

I hope this will be the most eventful week of my pregnancy! In case you haven't heard, Jon's appendix decided it didn't want to be the do nothing organ it normally is and decided it would become angry and inflamed. That led to Jon going to the doctor at 10 am and being wheeled into surgery at 1 pm. Everything happened so fast I barely had time to process any of it in my mind. Thankfully everything went smooth and we were home that evening by 6 pm. I honestly think the worst part was waiting on Walgreens to fill his prescription. He has slowly been recovering and taking it as easy as he possibly can. I say that because Jon is not a sit still type person so I've had to force him to stay in bed at times. He went for his follow up appointment today and everything looks good!

He looked adorable in his purple hospital gown!

Then this weekend some of my favorite ladies came into town to see Wicked. We had a blast and Wicked is amazing! Those actors and actresses are so incredibly talented. I would recommend it to anyone. It was also so much fun dressing up! I love when my friends get to come to town, even if I had to skip the mimosas!


Monday, March 3, 2014

22 Weeks & 23 Weeks

How far along: 22 Weeks.
Baby is the size of a: Spaghetti Squash.
Gender: Girl
Weight gain: 9lbs.
Maternity clothes: Yes. I'm also trying out compression socks this week too. 
Sleep: Sleep has been okay this week. I've very tossy and turny. I have been eyeballing maternity pillows but I am hesitant to invest the $50-$100 in one.
Aches and Pains: I have felt really good this week other than my feet hurting after cleaning all day Sunday and then attending a birthday party.
Best moment this week: River snuggles. He really is the sweetest little boy!
Worst moment this week: Thinking I was going to get to sleep in on Saturday only to wake up at 6:30. 
Miss anything: Stomach sleeping!
Movement: Lots of movement. I can feel kicks from the outside, but everytime Jon or River tries she quits moving.
Cravings: No real cravings this week.
Looking forward to:Spring weather!

How far along: 23 Weeks.
Baby is the size of a: Mango.
Gender: Girl
Weight gain: I didn't weigh this week. After eating brisket and fried okra for lunch on Saturday and then ribs, jalapeno poppers, beans, and potato salad for dinner the same day I didn't really want to know how much the scale moved. I also ate a lot of chocolate. 
Maternity clothes: I am still able to squeeze into some regular clothes, especially sweaters. Thanks to Texas inability to make up its mind if it wants to be Spring or Winter, I'll be wearing sweaters this week. 
Sleep: Ugh. That really sums it up. I hate sleeping on my side, its just so uncomfortable! 
Aches and Pains: This winter air brought back dry, itchy skin with it. 
Best moment this week: Family! We spent Friday night and Saturday morning with Jon's parents and sister and nephew. Then we spent Saturday afternoon and night with my family. I love getting to just hang out with everyone and talk. We are so incredibly blessed to have such a great family on both sides!
Worst moment this week: Dentist appointment. It was only a check up but I always get so nervous. Thankfully my hygienist had a baby girl last year in July so we talked about babies the whole time. 
Miss anything: I want a yummy cocktail. My friend ordered a Bellini on her birthday and I think I literally drooled over it. 
Movement: Baby girl is a mover. I love recognizing her movement patterns. 
Cravings: Sweets. I really need this craving to go away!
Looking forward to: Seeing Wicked with some friends this weekend! I can't wait!