Monday, April 28, 2014

31 Weeks

How far along: 31 Weeks. This is flying by!
Baby is the size of a: Coconut. 
Gender: Girl!
Weight gain: Today my scale said I have gained 5lbs. Yesterday it said I had gained 9lbs. Either my scale is off or I lost 4lbs yesterday by doing nothing unless its water weight, but my legs are still swollen so I don't' think it is. 
Maternity clothes: I'm loving stretchy v-necks. I might just live in them for the next 9 weeks. 
Sleep: Sleep is awful Sunday night - Thursday night. It is wonderful on Friday night and Saturday night. I don't even sleep more on those nights, I just go to bed later and wake up later. My body just does not like waking up at 6am and I really hope this means baby girl is going to like sleeping in!
Aches and Pains: My stomach muscles are still sore in the morning when I wake up. Dr. Google says its because the positioning of the baby overnight. I plan on asking my doctor about next week at my appointment. I am also enjoying at least one middle of the night charlie horse during the week. 
Best moment this week: I finished the biggest project I was willing to tackle for baby girls nursery. I can't wait to show the pics but you'll have to wait until the nursery reveal. Which will be a while since we aren't moving for another month. I'll give you a hint. It has lots of pink and lots of ruffles!!
Worst moment this weekJust being sleepy. During the week almost every day I leave work thinking I am going to accomplish so many things but then when I get home I just want to lay down.
Miss anything: Stomach sleeping, being able to move about normally, and I could really use a glass of wine.
Movement: I think shes still small enough to move around like crazy. 
Cravings: Kale. Seriously, who craves kale while they are pregnant? Gestational Diabetes has officially made me crazy!
Looking forward to: I have so many wonderful things to look forward to. The next month is so busy and exciting!

Overall, I've had a good week. This weekend was so nice and relaxing. Our dryer was finally fixed and I was able to get a ton of laundry finished. It literally took all day and I spent over an hour folding clothes because I saved them all until the very end. I honestly have no idea what we were wearing, yet no one managed to leave the house in their underwear!


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

GD and Baby Girl

Sweet baby girl's profile.

I went back to my maternal-fetal medicine specialist on Monday. Everything is looking good. I had an ultrasound and baby girl is looking great. She is measuring in the 50th percentile. That means if you compared her to 100 other 30 weeks  gestation babies she is right in the middle. Not too big and not too small. She is weighing approximately 3.10 lbs +/- 10 ounces. Her limbs and head are measuring slightly ahead. She must take after her Dad and brother! While the tech was doing the scan we could see her sticking her tongue out and smacking her lips. The tech also pointed out that she was also practicing breathing. Its so amazing we can see all of this long before babies are even born. 

My blood glucose numbers still look good. I am still allowed to only track 2 days a week provided I stick to the diet. I have done really good but did try to sneak in some jelly beans on Easter. It made my numbers a lot higher than normal so it looks like I won't be testing out any more candies! One big thing about this diet is it is constant trial and error. I feel like I am always testing my body just to see what it can handle. I've really only found a few foods that it can't. Jelly beans and mini cupcakes are at the top of the list! That is ok, I really don't need them anyway! 


Monday, April 21, 2014

30 Weeks!

How far along: 30 weeks! Officially 3/4 of the way done. 
Baby is the size of a: Cabbage.
Gender: Girl. I still can't believe I get to say that! 
Weight gain: This morning my scale said 8 lbs. It fluctuates so much! I never know if I am going to be up or down from the previous week. I'm not too worried about it because regardless of what the scale says I feel like a whale. Especially when I am trying to roll over at night. I might as well be an upside down turtle!
Maternity clothes: I found a dress in my closet that I can officially wear as a shirt. My bump is taking on a life of its own and making all my shirts borderline too short!
Sleep: Some nights its good some nights its horrible.
Aches and Pains: This week my stomach muscles have started hurting. I guess they are getting a good stretch in, but they'd better get used to it because we still have 10 weeks to go. 
Best moment this week: This was such a good week! Between Easter, visiting with my in-laws, and seeing Aziz Ansari, we had a great week!
Worst moment this week: Faxing so many pages for our home loan. I never have good luck when using a fax machine. I finally managed to make it work but I was imagining me pregnancy hulk out and smash it to pieces with my giant green hands the entire time. 
Miss anything: I want to say that I miss wine, but I imagine it would only make me sleepy!
Movement: This girl loves to wiggle and squirm. I love it until she decides she wants to stretch out as far as possible, then that hurts!
Cravings: Walnuts. I eat so many walnuts everyday. 
Looking forward to: Relaxing next weekend with my boys! It may be one of our last free weekends for a while!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

We had the best Easter weekend! 

On Saturday Jon's parents came to town. His mom and I spent the day shopping around for chalk paint and knobs for a dresser she is redoing for baby girls room, while the boys did boring man stuff like put tires on Jon's car. We had a blast just going from shop to shop.

That night Jon and I met up with some of our favorite friends and saw Aziz Ansari. It was so nice to get out of the house for a little while without River in tow. We don't really go on a lot of grown up dates so this was a special treat for us. The show was good too, even though I caught myself yawning a lot. I'm just not used to going all day long anymore! 

The next morning River was so excited to see that the Easter Bunny had come in the night and filled his basket with goodies. He brought him a dragon, some candy, and  48 pack of crayola sidewalk chalk. Mama is really excited about the last one. I have a feeling we will be doing lots of sidewalk coloring for as long as I am able to get up and down with ease. Mom and Dad gave River a new movie, a giant chocolate bunny, and a chocolate cross. The Easter Bunny would have given those to River, but River saw those in the closet a few weeks ago. Being a parent and hiding all this from inquisitive little minds is so difficult, and we obviously need better hiding spots.

The Easter Bunny also hid eggs all over our back yard. River got to enjoy his last Easter being an only child and getting all the eggs to himself. He actually got tired of hunting for a little while and excused himself to go pee! His favorite part was finding a little Easter Slug on a hard boiled egg.

After the egg hunt we had a big Easter breakfast with pancakes, biscuits, eggs, sausage, and bacon. I made River this adorable bunny pancake with M&M eyes (stolen from his Easter basket) and bacon whiskers.

We have spent the rest of the day relaxing while River as scarfed down M&Ms, jelly beans, and chocolate. We finally put a stop to it when it became apparent all that sugar wasn't ever going to make him sick! 


Friday, April 18, 2014

Why our lives are so busy right now.

I was looking over the blog and I realized two things. One, all I write about is my pregnancy and two I only post once a week. I'm sorry. I will try to do better. I'll start by filling you in on what is going on in our lives other than the pregnancy.

We are buying a house!

I feel so blessed to even be able to say that. The housing market in the Austin area is crazy. Absolutely crazy! Everything moves so quickly. To give you an idea when we told our Realtor we were interested in shopping around for a house she asked us to go on her website and pick three houses to look at. I did that on a Thursday and we set up a time to get together on Sunday morning. She called on Saturday to tell us every house we had wanted to see was gone. That is when we realized that we would need to move fast if we wanted to get a house in this market. The house we are in the process of purchasing was listed at 4 pm on a Saturday. We viewed the house on Sunday at 10 am and decided we wanted to put an offer in on the house. We quickly did our initial paperwork and our Realtor submitted it. She called us back at 4 pm to let us know there were multiple offers on the house! Like I said, I feel incredibly blessed just to be able to say we are actually purchasing a home.

We are set to close on May 16 and we will get to move in May 23. That will give us 5 weeks to get settled in before baby girl arrives. She has to stay put long enough for us to get the nursery finished. One great perk of the house is it already has a pink room. Its a little brighter than I would have liked but I can't really justify repainting a pink room pink. Lots of pink was in my plan anyway!

This is the house. It is the photo from the realty website so I apologize its not that great, but imagine how much better looking it will be once I get my hands on it!

This, work, growing a baby and keeping up with a 5 year old has left us exhausted. I feel like we are constantly on the go! I can't wait until the move is over and the baby is here! I'm sure I will be exhausted then too but it will be all worth it!


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

29 Weeks!

How far along: 29 Weeks!
Baby is the size of a: Butternut Squash.
Gender: Girl!
Weight gain: 7lbs.
Maternity clothes: Oh yes!
Sleep: I spoke too soon last week. Getting to sleep this past week has not been great. I hate laying on my sides to fall asleep. Restless leg syndrome is killing me. My hips hurt. My back hurts. I have to get up to pee. I wake up and can't go back to sleep. Charlie horses. I could go on and on.
Aches and Pains:I think I described everything above well enough. RLS is the biggest annoyance. I also had a hormonal meltdown moment where I became crazy angry for no reason. It was directed toward no one and I kept getting more and more mad because I couldn't even explain why I was mad to begin with. 
Best moment this week: Taking River to an Easter Egg hunt. He was so sweet and nervous. He was clutching my hand and asked me to go with him. I love when he is still my sweet little boy. I know these moments won't last much longer so I enjoy every second of them when I can!
Worst moment this week: I can't really pin point any bad moments. 
Miss anything: Chocolate.
Movement: This little girl moves all the time. She can be painful!
Cravings: Sweets. I want sugar. 
Looking forward to: Easter! Jon's parents are also coming in this weekend so we are really excited about that!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Gestational Diabetes Week Two

I have officially survived two weeks of blood glucose monitoring. It really hasn't been that bad. I have managed to get into a routine. Mornings are still difficult as River and I are always rushing to get out of the door to get him to school and me to work at a decent time. I am so blessed that neither one of us have to be at work or school at an absolute set time. Otherwise we would be getting a lot of tardy slips! 

I am still eating 3 regular meals and 3 snacks per day. However, since my numbers have been good and my doctor said I no longer have to test my glucose after meals every day, just a few days a week. I will still be testing my fasting (pre-breakfast) number everyday. We need to monitor this one as most people have the most problems with it. I have been lucky so far and haven't had any trouble. My bed time snack of crunch peanut butter on one slice of glycemic index bread and a small glass of milk seem to be keeping my fasting number controlled.

I have also given up on switching between my middle and ring finger for the testing. I somehow managed a very painful stick in my right finger and I haven't gotten the courage to try again. My poor middle finger gets all the pokes now, but surprisingly it doesn't look bad. I still have to work up the courage every stick. I'm not sure that will go away!


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

28 Weeks

How far along: 28 Weeks. That means I'm officially in my third trimester! How crazy and exciting is that!?! 
Baby is the size of a: Large eggplant. 
Gender: Sweet baby girl!
Weight gain: This morning my scale said I was up 6lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight. I'm not sure how that happened. I knew I had lost around 3 lbs from my last doctors appointment but I was shocked when they told me 6! I have been following my GD diet, walking more, and drinking a ton of water! My doctor isn't worried and said that everything looks great so I'm not worried either!
Maternity clothes: Yes but I still find myself trying to squeeze into normal clothes. When this pregnancy is over all of my clothes are going to be stretched out!
Sleep: I really have no problem falling asleep or staying asleep. I manage to sleep in the same position all night and as soon as I move my bladder realizes its full and wakes me up, thankfully this only happens once a night!
Aches and Pains:Lots of restless leg syndrome this week and I was very queasy a few mornings. I hope morning sickness doesn't come back!
Best moment this week: Jon and I put an offer in on a house and it was accepted! We are so excited! 
Worst moment this week: Not getting to sleep in on Saturday morning. We had a garage sale so I had to be up super early. Then it was so cold all Saturday morning!
Miss anything: I walked through the wine aisle at HEB last night. I should not have done that. All I could think about was how much I can't wait to have a glass of red wine. 
Movement: This girl is such a mover. I feel her all the time! The nurse almost couldn't get a heartbeat at my appointment this week because she was moving around so much. 
Cravings: I still don't have any real cravings! I never really did with River either.
Looking forward to: Easter! This will be one of the first years I don't get to go to my home church for Easter and I am so sad. We are going to take River to our neighborhood Easter egg hunt this weekend and then on Easter morning I plan on hiding some eggs in our back yard for him to find. 

I didn't have a picture to share (again) so I thought River playing with a lady bug would suffice. He is all about bugs this Spring! He's been finding tiny black bugs and putting them in a bucket with grass and a small lid with water. Then he starts feeling guilty and releases them! Its so sweet! He played with the lady bug in the picture above for at least 30 minutes. He would pick it up and it would crawl on him for a few seconds then fly away and then he would chase it down. He always reminds me to appreciate the small things, even the lady bugs!
